Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Idea

So here's what this blog is all about. Over the course of the next few days/weeks/months/years, we will be uploading specially designed, hand-crafted, premium quality character sliders for the biggest flop of the century: TERA Online. So who is we? Claudius and that one purple elf faggot, that's who. The latter of which also has a fantastic blog with lots of fun mods, along with links to other sites with more fun mods. The former is that sexy animal in the picture above. 

Anyway, enough with the introductions. There's going to be faces uploaded here on a (hopefully) regular basis. I'm not talking daily, maybe several times a week or so. Sometimes it may be just one, maybe a big batch of them. These characters may not be for everyone; I prefer making something unique over something that may generally be considered "attractive", and I know for a fact that Paps does the same thing. Why is that? Because every generic "attractive" character has been made already. You have your chiseled Human males, bimbo Barbie High Elves, kawaii uguu~ Elins, and bishounen Castanics. The world doesn't need any more of those. It needs variety. And there's no better way to introduce variety than spoon feeding you uninspired fucks a template that you can copy+paste into your character editor!

Also, we are more than happy to accept any contributions from others. Feel free to email them to me at Or simply contact me in the TERA thread on /vg/. Credit will be given, should it be desired. If not, you will remain anonymous. 

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